
Average score 73 Reviews
Steve O noted on Google

On a whim I decided to get Chinese food. wow! It was a treat to have authentic food like this right in the center of the city. Several groups of Chinese people were coming in and out. I had some dim sum and the Chongqing spicy chicken. It was all delicious and friendly.

4 months ago
Lydia Z noted on Google

Delicious and very good service.

4 months ago
Olena Olena noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Everything was very tasty, the restaurant has a cozy atmosphere, there is a view of the lake. Peking duck is very tasty. I recommend to visit (Original) Все було дуже смачно, в ресторані затишна атмосфера, є вид на озеро. Качка по-пекінські дуже смачна. Рекомендую до відвідування

4 months ago
Rod Hess noted on Google

4 months ago
Ahmed Rostom noted on Google

4 months ago
张如宝 noted on Google

4 months ago
Maria Mandola noted on Google

5 months ago
Sonia Gay noted on Google

(Translated by Google) it's a shame that there isn't the whole menu on ubereats :) it's delicious and the place is super beautiful and well located! (Original) c'est dommage qu'il n'y ait pas tout le menu sur ubereats :) c'est délicieux et l'endroit est super beau et bien placé!

5 months ago
Irene Isip noted on Google

5 months ago
Kunde noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My comparison is relative to my experiences with equivalent food and service in other countries. Food: We ordered several dishes, including the crispy duck, siu mai (shrimp stuffing), har gau, char siu bao, shrimp and garlic dish, cheung fan and pork intestine Sichuan style. I would rate the food like this: The crispy duck is the best dish with a 4 star rating. The hoisin sauce in particular had an interesting taste. Then why only 4 stars: Try the duck in Four Seasons in London ;-). This is the best and most authentic duck in Europe. I would also give the pork intestine 4 stars, but I also ate better. The rest was unfortunately only 3 stars, not bad, but not outstanding either, unfortunately specialized dim sum masters can do much better. Overall, I would give it 3.5 stars overall due to the other disappointing dishes. Service: Good service and friendly staff. That's why there are 4 stars here. I have of course experienced the best service in Asia, particularly in South Korea and Japan, and in several Japanese restaurants in Europe. For 5 stars you have to measure yourself against such standards. Ambiance: 5 stars. The restaurant is very nicely designed. (Original) Mein Vergleich ist relativ zu sehen zu meinen Erfahrungen mit gleichwertigem Essen und Service in anderen Ländern. Essen: Wir hatten mehrere Gerichte bestellt, u.a Die knusprige Ente, Siu Mai (Grabben-Shrimp-Füllung), Har Gau, Char Siu Bao, Shrimp-Garlic-Gericht, Cheung Fan und Schweinedarm -Sichuan-Art. Das Essen würde ich so bewerten: Die knusprige Ente ist das Beste Gericht mit 4 Sterne Bewertung. Besonders die Hoisin-Sauce hatte einen interessanten Geschmack. Warum dann nur 4 Sterne: Probiert mal die Ente in Four Seasons in London ;-). Das ist die beste und die authentischste Ente in Europa. Der Schweinedarm würde ich auch 4 Sterne geben, habe ich aber auch besser gegessen. Der Rest war leider nur 3 Sterne, nicht schlecht, aber auch nicht herausragend, dass können spezialisierte Dim Sum Meistern leider wesentlich besser. Zusammen würde ich aufgrund der anderen enttäuschenden Gerichte 3,5 Sterne insgesamt geben. Service: Guter Service und freundliche Mitarbeiter. Hier gibt es deswegen 4 Sterne. Ich habe den Besten Service natürlich in Asien erlebt, insbesondere in Süd Korea und Japan, und in mehreren japanischen Restaurants in Europa. Für 5 Sterne muss man sich deswegen an solchen Standards messen. Ambiente: 5 Sterne. Das Restaurant ist sehr schön gestaltet.

5 months ago

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